In CAT-3 of the Quantum Delta NL program, significant investment is made in the development of novel types of sensors and the development of multiple testbeds across the Netherlands.
- TU/e plans are underway to integrate timing signals into fiber connections between the university of Amsterdam and the TU/e using the Sr based atomic clock at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). This timing signal lends itself well to develop gravity sensors based on time dilation, which is an upcoming project between the TU/e and UvA. From the TU/e this planned research program is led by Servaas Kokkelmans.
- Within the TU/e efforts are also underway to use quantum effects inside fiber optics for a variety of sensors using light-matter interaction. A new optical fiber lab is under development to enable these activities. Tom Bradley leads this lab and the fiber-based quantum sensing efforts.
- Quantum sensors based on trapped ions are in development by Rianne Lous.