Department of the Built Environment

Real Estate and Urban Development

The REMD group, part of the Design and Decision Support Systems (DDSS) research program, is responsible for education and research in the area of real estate management and urban development.

Understanding, modeling and optimizing behavior in the area of real estate

The transition from a sellers’ market to a buyers’ market that is taking place in all real estate sectors (offices, residential, retail, and so on) is profoundly impacting the sector. At the same time, the increasing importance of sustainable development, transparency of processes, innovation of businesses and alignment to changing needs of users demand reconsideration of the design of the built environment at the area of buildings as well as areas.

Walkability in Virtual Reality

This project develops an experimental design (orthogonal design) to measure individuals’ perception of walking environment using immersive virtual reality techniques to simulate the neighbourhood environments seen from the eye-level of pedestrians. In contrast to the traditional use of static presentations in a stated preference experiment, we use dynamic immersive virtual reality scenes, which allow respondents to walk through (in a small area) and experience the hypothetical neighbourhoods with more spatial and social detail compared with traditional visualisations or texts. In the design of the experiment, we consider five attributes that are most commonly found to contribute to walking behaviour in previous studies. The study provide new insights and methods to interconnect theory and design practice and add to the growing experience in the use of IVE in combination with stated-choice-experiment techniques to analyse spatial perceptions and behaviour.

Meet some of our Researchers

The SPARK impulse project

The SPARK impulse project consists of two PhD-projects. Both projects consider emerging new business concepts. Their aim is to generate insights in factors that determine the added value of the new concepts for knowledge sharing behavior and ecosystem formation to better inform real-estate and facility management decisions.

