Research project

CERTIFication of production process quality through Artificial Intelligence

CERTIF-AI facilitates the certification that a production process leads to quality products and, when this is not the case, diagnose the problems in the production process.

May 2020 - February 2025
Project Manager

CERTIF-AI facilitates the certification that a production process leads to quality products and, when this is not the case, diagnose the problems in the production process. To that end, it operationalizes the large amounts of data generated by machines in a production process. However, to achieve this, the data must be properly prepared, cast into a model, and analyzed. To that end, in this project a generically applicable toolkit will be developed that consists of techniques and methods from the areas of data science, artificial intelligence and operations research that make this possible. The toolkit is considered to become applicable as the project runs, by implementing and using it at partner organizations to certify production processes and diagnose production problems.

Researchers involved in this project

Collaborative Partners

  • Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Sioux LIME B.V.
  • Brightcape
  • Additive Industries
  • Omron Europe B.V.
  • Unit040 Ontwerp BV
  • Damen Shipyards Group

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