Koen Kok

Intelligent Energy Systems

Through our research endeavors, we strive to drive innovation and shape the future of power and energy systems. By embracing digitalization, artificial intelligence, smart planning, optimization, and component monitoring, we aim to create sustainable, resilient, and intelligent energy systems that meet the evolving needs of our society.

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Research Profile

1. Digital Power and Energy Systems (DigiPES): We explore the integration of digital technologies into power and energy systems. From advanced sensing and monitoring to data analytics and control algorithms, we strive to develop intelligent solutions that enhance system performance, reliability, and efficiency
2. AI in Power and Energy Systems: Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, we investigate how machine learning, deep learning, and other AI techniques can revolutionize power and energy systems. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, we aim to optimize system operation, enable predictive maintenance, and facilitate intelligent decision-making processes.
3. Smart Planning and Operation: We focus on developing smart planning and operation strategies for power and energy systems. Through innovative methodologies and tools, we aim to optimize resource allocation, grid expansion, and system operation, taking into account factors such as renewable integration, demand response, and grid resilience.
4. Electricity Markets and Power System Optimization (EMPSO lab): Our research group delves into the intricacies of electricity markets and power system optimization. We investigate novel market designs, pricing mechanisms, and optimization algorithms to ensure efficient and fair allocation of resources, promote renewable integration, and support grid stability.
5. Monitoring and Diagnostics of Components: We emphasize the development of advanced monitoring and diagnostic techniques for power system components. By employing state-of-the-art sensing technologies and data analytics, we aim to enhance the reliability, performance, and lifespan of critical components, such as transformers, generators, and transmission lines. 

Challenges (ICT, active networks, markets)

  • Controllability of electricity production will decrease; amount of flexible consumption will increase​

  • Decision making and control actions happen much more decentral and on all levels throughout the electricity system.​

  • Power flows change direction and are more fluctuating​

  • Strain on the network changes (new loads, network ageing, more power fluctuations)​

Meet some of our Researchers

Electricity markets and power system optimization

To support the grid integration of distributed energy resources and smart prosumers in an evolving market environment.​

  • Electricity market design (centralized & decentralized)​

  • Decision support techniques for market participants​

  • System integration of innovative market products​

  • Forecasting, participation strategies and risk management 
