Departments of Applied Physics / Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Molecular Materials and Nanosystems

The interdepartemental research group M2N investigates and develops functional molecular materials and nanosystems with tailored physical properties. Examples of applications are in organic and polymer solar cells, light-emitting diodes, electrochemical and photovoltaic cells, and solar fuels.

From the molecule to the device

The Molecular Materials and Nanosystems (M2N) group is active in both the department of Applied Physics and the department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. We combine expertise from these disciplines in a coherent research program on nanostructured materials and nano-sized organic and inorganic molecular systems. Our drive is to understand the underlying physical phenomena by studying systems of reduced dimensionality down to the molecular level. Our research regarding molecules, macromolecules and (nano)structured materials has led to notable achievements in a variety of applications.

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