
The Statistics group develops and compares data-analytical methods for analyzing and sampling complex structured correlated data sets. It includes parameter estimation, model fitting, latent variable models, mixed models, missing data, statistical process control, survival & reliability theory, time series analysis, and statistical learning methods.  

One of the central themes is the analysis of high-dimensional temporal data sets and other large data sets. The group actively explores new research lines in Data Science and maintains many strong ties with industry, including biopharmaceutical companies, chemical industry, medical centers and international research institutes.

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The Statistics group develops and compares data-analytical methods for analyzing and sampling complex structured correlated data sets.

Success stories

Framingham Heart Study A long-term longitudinal data set on more than 5000 participants (started at 1948) has been brought to the TU/e to collaborate with Boston University on new statistical methods.  

Meet some of our Researchers
