Full Professor

Andrea Fiore


Andrea Fiore is a full professor within the Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He is also co-founder and Management Team member of the Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute. His key areas of expertise include nanophotonics, optical sensing and quantum photonics. Andrea’s research interests are in the field of nanophotonic devices, particularly nanoscale light sources and detectors, nanolasers, and integrated optical sensors.

Recently, his group has focused on integrated nano-opto-electro-mechanical systems (NOEMS): using the combination of electronics, mechanics and optics to achieve novel functionalities, for example for sensing. Research is also aimed at controlling light-matter interaction at the nanoscale for improved nanolasers and quantum light sources.

Light is used by our eyes to sense the world around us and powers the internet. Controlling light generation and detection at the nanoscale opens a new world of opportunities in sensing and communication”


Andrea Fiore holds a PhD degree in Optics from the University of Orsay, and has previously worked in Thales Research and Technology (Orsay, France), at the University of California at Santa Barbara, at the Italian National Research Council (Rome, Italy), and at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland).

Prof. Fiore has been the recipient of the ‘Professeur boursier’ (Switzerland) and ‘Vici’ (The Netherlands) personal grants, and has been awarded the 2006 ISCS ‘Young Scientist’ Award (International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors). He has acted as principal investigator in several national projects, team leader in six EU projects, coordinator of EU-FP6 project ‘SINPHONIA’ and of the Dutch FOM national program ‘Nanoscale Quantum Optics’. He is presently leading a 20 M€ NWO Gravitation program on Integrated Nanophotonics and he has co-founded and is management team member of the Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute. He has coauthored over 180 journal articles and given around 60 invited talks at international conferences. He also co-founded two spin-offs, nanoPHAB and MantiSpectra, which commercialize nanophotonic technologies developed in his group.

Ancillary Activities

  • Co-founder, Shareholder and Scientific Advisor, MantiSpectra bv
  • Participation to project reviews and selection committees for foreign research and academic organizations, Various