Andrei Silov
Department / Institute
Andrei Silov is an Assistant Professor in the Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics group in the Applied Physics department at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The physics of individual nanostructures is at the heart of his research. Silov and his group investigate a wide range of the available nano objects, ranging from confinement in two dimensions to the extreme limit of zero-dimensional quantum dots.
Current research topics include spin manipulation in individual magnetic impurities, spin-correlated currents in quantum dots and the physics of colloidal perovskite nanocrystals. This research is carried out in strong collaboration with the group’s professor, Paul Koenraad. Our ultimate goal is to exploit the properties of nanoscale objects for future telecom technologies.
Silov has already supervised 10 PhD theses as a co-promotor within the group of Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics.
High-tech innovations will be driven by research at the nanoscale, a world where tiny objects behave in surprising, nonintuitive ways.
Andrei Silov graduated summa cum laude in Optoelectronics from the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University in 1985. Afterwards, Silov worked as a staff member for the Ioffe Institute, first as research assistant (1985-1987), then as junior researcher (1987-1991 and later as senior researcher (1992-1996). He received his PhD in Physics and Mathematics from the Ioffe Institute in 1991. In 1996, Silov won an individual NWO grant for a joint research between Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and the Ioffe Institute, and he became a research staff member at the COBRA Photonics School in Eindhoven in 1998. Since 2006, Silov is a member of the Applied Physics Department at TU/e.
Key Publications
Strong carrier-phonon coupling in lead halide perovskite nanocrystals
ACS Nano (2017) -
Optical orientation of spins in GaAs: Mn/AlGaAs quantum wells via impurity-to-band excitation
Physical Review B (2016) -
Spin-orbit-induced circulating currents in a semiconductor nanostructure
Physical Review Letters (2014) -
Many-body exciton states in self-assembled quantum dots coupled to a Fermi sea
Nature Physics (2010) -
Current-Induced Spin Polarization at a Single Heterojunction
Current Educational Activities
Ancillary Activities
No ancillary activities