Doctoral Candidate

Arjen Deetman


Arjen Deetman is a PhD student in the Unit of Structural Engineering and Design in the Department of the Built Environment of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The research of Arjen focuses on additive manufacturing of functional materials on demand.


Arjen Deetman obtained his MSc cum laude in Structural Engineering and Design at the Department of the Built Environment of the TU/e in 2017. Following his studies, Arjen worked as a research assistant and teacher at the University of Kassel. In Kassel, he taught computational design and supervised several design studios related to robotic additive manufacturing. His research activities were focused on the development of robotic additive manufacturing processes such as robotic timber filament winding and continuous timber fiber placement. From 2020, Arjen is a PhD student at TU/e in the research group of 3D concrete printing.

Ancillary Activities

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