Assistant Professor (Part-time)

Bahram Zonooz

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science

I am interested in studying the brain's general-purpose learning to develop next-generation AI models that can efficiently learn from multiple tasks.  I co-direct the NeurAI Lab, where we develop Neuro-Inspired AI models capable of efficient learning from multiple tasks. Our primary goal is to conduct fundamental research in deep learning, drawing inspiration from how the brain works and learns, with a focus on continual learning, self-supervised learning, and meta-learning. At our lab, we train the next generation of AI specialists who can bridge the gap between academia and industry standards, and develop cutting-edge AI technologies resulting in numerous patent applications and publications in top AI and Robotics venues such as ICLR, AAAI, IROS, and ICRA. In addition, I am a strategic business analyst and executive with expertise in various domains, including smart cities, transportation, autonomous vehicles, mapping, and healthcare. In industry, I have a track record of delivering results, leading and nurturing advanced engineering, AI, and product teams, and building cross-functional consensus. To learn more, please visit my website:

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