Assistant Professor

Banu Aysolmaz

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences


Banu Aysolmaz is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems group in Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research interests center around business process management, specifically on understanding and use of process-related knowledge and the use of intelligent systems and data analytics in processes for digital innovation. She investigates the capabilities that organizations need for implementing such systems. She studies innovation of business processes through business models and monitoring the performance of business models through process data. She has worked on the comprehension and visualization of process models, i.e., how humans comprehend and use process models, through experiments on animation for process models and virtual worlds for process training. Additionally, she focuses on the analysis of large process model repositories or data available through the execution of business processes in various organizational aspects (e.g., inconsistencies in process definitions, process-orientation level, process variability).

Banu Aysolmaz is daily supervisor of 
- Paola Lara Machado
- Montijn van de Ven
- Ginger Korsten


Banu received her PhD in Information Systems from METU, Ankara, Turkey. She worked as an assistant professor of information management at Maastricht University and conducted post-doctoral research as a Marie Curie Fellow with the Business Informatics group of the VU Amsterdam. Before and during PhD, she worked as a consultant in the industry in the areas of business process management, software process improvement, and software development. She also worked as a software developer and project manager for simulation systems.