Predictive Analytics of Dynamic Heterogenous (Energy) Networks through Asset Modelling and Monitoring

The lack of control in heterogenous (energy) networks is taking its toll. Green energy sources such as solar panels and wind parks are turned off during the day to prevent the power grid from overloading. In the evening, “gray” power plants are started to compensate for the lack of energy that could have been stored during the day.

The goal of the research is to develop techniques on how to properly model assets, make predictions about their energy usage/production/storage, and use this information to better steer these assets accordingly. We refer to the overall solution as a Digital Energy Twin of an environment

Green energy should not go to waste! During the day solar and wind parks are shutdown due to networkcongestion and in the evening fossil source are burned up for the lack of energy. I cannot explain this at a birthday party....

It is not difficult to discover anomalies. The challenge is finding the ones that matter


Bram Cappers is a Teacher Visual Analytics at Eindhoven University of Technology. He achieved both his bachelor and master’s degrees in Computer Science (with honors) at Eindhoven University of Technology. After obtaining his Master in 2014 he did his PhD in Security Visual Analytics where he developed new techniques to gain insights in advanced virus activity and network traffic.  

Outside security, the technology has shown it effectivity in other domains including healthcare, finance, and energy research.

Bram has won several awards in the area of computer-science, data-science and entrepreneurship. He he won the ICT.Open and Visual Analytics Science and Technology award for the discovery of patterns and anomalies in traffic data and patient health records, the TU/e academic awards for best computer science research and honorable mention for Gerrit van Dijk award.

In Industry, he was invited at the prestigious Blackhat 2018 for the detection of fraud in VoIP traffic and reverse engineering of Ransomware, became part of KPN’s Cyber Security Perspectives 2018-2020 as new and innovative technology, and received several awards including 30-onder-30 and European Venture Program for the valorization of scientific results.

With this knowledge, he started two companies CodeNext21 and TIBO Energy to demonstrate these new techniques and make them available to Industry.

Ancillary Activities

  • Software development en onderzoek doen naar aansturen/voorspellen van assets, Startup Tibo Energy