Doctoral Candidate

Catja Edens

Department / Institute
Built Environment

Catja Edens is an architectural historian. It’s her love for architecture and the city, and her curiosity for both history and what lies ahead of us, that drive her. Part of her time is devoted to her PhD Research on the archiving of women architects, as a member of the Curatorial Research Collective. She was a researcher at the Future Urban Regions group, a collective working with the Academies of Architecture on the city as a metabolist system. Edens teaches at the TU Delft (architectural history thesis), she is a lecturer of Architectural History at the Arnhem Academy fro Architecture and a writing tutor at the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture. With her office Spatie she produces publications in the field of architecture and urban planning and she contributes to symposia, workshops and prizes. She is regularly a member of juries, boards and committees in her field and has her own radio show Architecture City, a collaboration with Jorn Konijn and Teun van den Ende.‘I enjoy exploring new forms and collaborations to find ideas, insights and solutions. I love working interdisciplinary with scientists, artists, musicians, designers and others, choosing new roads and trying out other forms of working and presenting ideas.’

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