University Lecturer

Danilo Beli

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering


Danilo Beli is a Lecturer at the Dynamics & Control group of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He has bachelor degree (2011), master degree (2013) and PhD degree (2018) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Campinas - UNICAMP (Brazil). He was a postdoctoral fellow (2019-2022) at Sao Carlos School of Engineering from University of Sao Paulo - USP (Brazil). He was also a visiting postdoctoral researcher at University of Colorado Boulder, USA (2020) and at Utrecht University, The Netherlands (2022); a visiting doctoral researcher at Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (2015-2016); and a visiting undergraduate student at ENSIM - Le Mans University, France (2009-2010).  He has experience on dynamics, vibrations and waves, working more specifically on the following topics: structural dynamics, wave-based methods, wave propagation, smart materials (piezoeletric) and elastic/acoustic metamaterials.

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