Assistant Professor

Dujuan Yang

Department / Institute
Built Environment
EAISI Mobility
EIRES Research


Dujuan Yang is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems in the Built Environment (ISBE) group, in the Department of the Built Environment at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her main areas of expertise are Travel behavior and energy effects using quantitative methods, Urban infrastructure management, Energy neutral city development, and Decision support system in the context of Smart Cities development. She is also a program manager of the TU/e Smart Cities program - Urban data and data platform.

Dujuan’s PhD research examines the Effects of Energy Price Increases on Individual Activity-Travel Repertoires and Energy Consumption. Her PhD research project “Individual adaptation to activity-travel repertoires in response to energy price policies: A computerized stated adaptation survey system and modeling approach” was awarded a Prestige Grant, 2013 by the WCTR (World Conference on Transport Research Society).

The way we make sense of urban areas stands at a critical point. Urban data and information give the power to make more sustainable urban areas and a better living environment.


Dujuan Yang obtained her Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Transportation group of Built Environment from Eindhoven University of Technology, MSc in Management Science and Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China, and the BSc in Civil Engineering Management from Southeast University, China.

Dujuan has published several Journal papers on Urban planning, Transportation Research Part C, Informatics, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Transportation, Transport Policy and Journal of Transport Geography and a few book chapters. She has been a partner in two externally funded projects: Triangulum on the implementation of smart cities and communities and DESENT on Smart Decision Support System for Urban Energy and Transportation. She is a guest editor for Urban Planning and Advances in Civil Engineering and journal reviewer of JRCS, Tourism Management; Transportation Research A, Transpormetric A, Sustainability, Transport geography, Open Journal of Transportation, Environmental research and public health and Case studies on Transport Policy.