Associate Professor

Emanuela Bosco


Emanuela Bosco is an Associate Professor in the Chair of Applied Mechanics and Design at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research interest is in the field of computational mechanics, in particular on multi-scale methods and multi-physics problems. During their lifetime, materials can be subjected to complex loading conditions, possibly involving multiple physical fields, which trigger interactions between the material behavior at the macro- and the micro-structural levels. Emanuela's research lies in this background: formulating multi-scale and multi-physics models, which can bridge the gap between the underlying physics and the material behavior at the macro-scale, integrating them with dedicated experiments for model calibration and validation, and using these in different relevant applications. Her current research focuses on the multi-scale modeling of granular materials, fibrous materials, chemically-induced degradation of concrete, and multi-physics degradation of historical art objects. These problems are approached with various multi-scale techniques combined with different numerical solution strategies - linear and non-linear FEM, X-FEM, and DEM.


Emanuela Bosco obtained her MSc in Civil Engineering with first-class honors from the University of Brescia (Italy) in 2009 and her PhD in Numerical Methods for Engineering in 2013, for which she was awarded the title of Doctor Europaeus. After this, she worked as a postdoc in the Mechanics of Materials group at TU/e. She has spent different research periods abroad at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, and the University of Santiago de Chile. She is currently involved in the supervision of several MSc and PhD projects. In 2017 and 2022, she was awarded a VENI and a VIDI research grant from NWO. She is the project leader in an NWO OTP Project and Co-leader in an NWO NICAS project. She has been the technical manager and WP coordinator in the European Project Horizon 2020 CollectionCare (2019-2022). Emanuela also holds a Music-Diploma in Viola, obtained at Conservatorium Marenzio of Brescia (Italy).