Assistant Professor (Part-time)

Erik Homburg


Erik (F.G.A.) Homburg is an assistant professor with the Microsystems research group at the department of Mechanical Engineering, where innovative technological concepts and fabrication methods are developed for microsystems for a wide range of applications. His research interests lie in the field of the design of mechanical microsystems. These microsystems are complex by nature: they combine many aspects, like sensing, actuation, microfluidics, magnetic fields and active materials. As a designer, he relies on a broad technical background in order to realize a complete design cycle: concepting, simulation, realization, measurement techniques and evaluation. He is a key user of the Microfablab, where he exploits the possibilities of prototyping processes like laser machining and the printing of various materials and the availability of different measurement techniques. He is currently employed for two days per week.

The Microfablab is the place where education and research interact in a natural way.


Erik Homburg studied Mechanical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), where he obtained his MSc in 1980. He then became a researcher at Philips Research and, in 1987, a systems designer in the field of opto-mechatronics within Philips Optical Storage. In 2000, he was appointed as assistant professor at TU/e, currently with the Microsystems research group at the department of Mechanical Engineering.

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