
Farzam Tajdari

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering


My research is focused on methods in the fields of nonlinear systems and control which I elaborated  on extending the methods to the challenges in the fields of geometry processing, pattern recognition, automated and connected vehicles, and optimization. During my Ph.Ds, I had experiences of publishing and submitting in IEEE-T-ITS, IEEE-T-VT, IEEE-T-IP, IEEE-T-VGC, IEEE-CVPR, JVC, and I am interested to publish in IEEE-T-PAMI, and IEEE-T-C. I am highly motivated to be involved as mentor in the Ph.D. and M.Sc. students’ project, preparing and submitting proposal for grants for academic purpose and teaching.


  • Ph.D. In Geometry processing, Mechatronic Design Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, TUDelft, Delft, Netherlands. January 2019 – Present
  • Ph.D. In Automated and Connected Vehicles, School of Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo, Finalnd. April 2018 – January 2023
  • M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (Control and Vibration), Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran. September 2013 – February 2016

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