
Giannis Delimpaltadakis

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering


I am a Postdoctoral researcher at the Control Systems Technology group, under the supervision of prof. Maurice Heemels. I am active in the field of control theory, with research interests spanning hybrid systems, stochastic systems, formal verification and cyber-physical systems. I have worked on event-triggered control, formal abstractions of dynamical systems, and Markov decision processes. Currently, under the umbrella of the PROACTHIS project, I am investigating projected dynamical systems theory for safety-critical and high-performance control.

Here is the link to my Google Scholar profile.

Philosophy and ideology play an immense, although subtle, role in science. They predispose scientists regarding how to interpret observations and experiments, what hypotheses to make or to discard. Hence, scientists have to be aware of their philosophical preconceptions.


I obtained the Diploma (joint BSc. and MSc. degree) in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2017. I obtained my PhD, Cum Laude, from Delft University of Technology, in 2022. My PhD thesis is entitled “Grasping the Sampling Behaviour of Event-Triggered Control: Self-Triggered Control, Abstractions and Formal Analysis”. Between June 2022 - November 2022 I held a Postdoc position at Delft University of Technology.

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