Giel Ramaekers

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering


Giel Ramaekers is a Post-Doctoral researcher at the Power and Flow group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His current research is on the development of numerica tools for the simulation of iron powder flames.

Well-verified numerical simulation tools are of key importance in modern design of combustion appliances. As a leading research group we strive to provide such tools to both academic and industrial partners.


Giel Ramaekers obtained his master's degree at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 2005. During his master's program, he did an internship at Alstom in Switzerland and performed his gradution thesis work at Rolls-Royce Deutschland. Directly afterward, he did a second M.Sc. in Internal Combustion Engine Technology at IFP-School in France. Subsequently, Giel came back to the TU/e to pursue a Ph.D. degree; during these years he taught Internal Engine Thermodynamics at IFP-School during one month per year. After approximately onde decade in industry, Giel returned to the academic world to exame iron powder fueled flames. 

Ancillary Activities

  • Voltijds betrekking, aanstelling op TUE is onbezoldigde nevenaanstelling, Demcon