Full Professor

Hans Cuypers


Hans Cuypers is a Full Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His main mathematical interests are in discrete algebra and geometry, in particular in (finite) geometry, group theory, graph theory, design theory, algebraic combinatorics, abstract and applied algebra and computer algebra. His areas of expertise further include Technology enhanced Education of Mathematics and Science . Since 2009, Hans has been leading the Discrete Algebra and Geometry group at TU/e. Moreover, he has been active in the introduction and implementation of various forms of blended learning at the university.


Hans Cuypers studied mathematics at the Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen where he obtained his MSc in 1983. Following this, he held a position at the University’s mathematics department. In 1989, he obtained a PhD from the University of Utrecht.

During the academic year 1989-1990 he was a visiting Assistant Professor at Michigan State University. The following year, he held an Assistant position in Kiel (Germany).

He has been involved in a wide variety of national as well as European projects on the development of software for, and creation and use of digital content for mathematics teaching. Hans has (co-)organized a large number of meetings and workshops on mathematics, algebra and algorithms, as well as on e-learning of mathematics. Hans also works as an editor and reviewer (NAW, Innovations in Incidence Geometry, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education).