Doctoral Candidate

Helen Prime

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering


As society transitions to carbon free, renewable energy, metal powder shows promise as an alternative combustion material. Iron powder has a high energy density, is a safe energy storage medium and the combustion reaction is carbon free. In theory, this makes iron a great alternative to burning fossil fuels. However, many aspects and properties of metal combustion are still not understood.  Helen Prime is a doctoral candidate under the supervision of Prof. Philip de Goey, Dr. Roy Hermanns and Dr. Yuri Shoshyn. In her research, she uses laboratory experiments to better understand the mechanisms behind the combustion of metal powder.


Helen Prime obtained her Honours degree (2018), and her MSc (2020) in Physics from the University of Otago, New Zealand. Her MSc thesis was titled "Micropatterned Aluminium Surfaces for Anti-icing and Anti-frosting Applications". Joining Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) as a doctoral candidate immediately afterwards, she switched from cool science to hot science, and now studies metal powder combustion.

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