University Researcher

Irene Vanderfeesten

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences


Irene Vanderfeesten is an Associate Professor in Business Process Management and Information Systems at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research interest include business process modelling and redesign, business process quality, process modelling guidelines, process automation, dynamic role resolution and workflow management. Irene’s research expertise lies in human aspects of business information systems engineering. She has a background in business information systems and continuous process improvement. Irene is driven to design solutions, with a human-centric focus, for the analysis, redesign and automation of business processes in, for example, the high-tech manufacturing, healthcare, banking and insurance domains.  

A key current research project is HORSE, a research and development project in the European Horizon 2020 framework. This aims to develop (process management) technologies for Smart Factories, making end-to-end high tech manufacturing processes, in which robots and humans collaborate, more flexible, more efficient and more effective to produce small batches of customized products. 

In Business Information Systems Engineering, human aspects such as usability, quality of a design, understandability, cognitive load, and ease of use are as important as technical aspects.


Irene Vanderfeesten received her MSc in Computer Science (2004) and her PhD degree in Industrial Engineering (2009) from TU/e. Focus of her PhD work was developing ‘intelligent’ tools for workflow process design with a focus on the Product Based Workflow Design methodology. Before joining the Information Systems group at TU/e in 2010 as an assistant professor, Irene worked as an IT consultant in the banking and insurance sector. She was a visiting scholar at Penn State University, Smeal College of Business in 2016.  

Irene is Associate Editor for the Journal of Society for e-Business Studies and reviewer for over a dozen scientific journals, including Business & Information Systems Engineering, Information Systems and e-Business Management, and International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. She organizes the International Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Information Systems Engineering (COGNISE), serves as an associate editor for the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and as a Senior PC member for the International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM). In addition, she is a Program Committee Member and Conference Reviewer for a wide range of conferences, including International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), and Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM). She regularly publishes in leading journals such as Business & Information Systems Engineering, Information Systems, Decision Support Systems and Software & Systems Modeling. 

Ancillary Activities

  • Associate Professor in Business Information Systems Engineering, KU Leuven
  • Voorzitter Raad van Advies voor de opleidingen Informatica en Informatiekunde, Open Universiteit