Full Professor

Jan de Jonge

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences


Jan de Jonge is a Full Professor of Work and Sports Psychology at the Human Performance Management Group of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He teaches in the Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management departments. His main research topics include job stress and recovery, DISC-R Model, employee performance, work motivation, creativity, burnout, sickness absence, counterproductive work behavior, cyberloafing, social innovation, sustainable employability and new ways of working. In sports psychology his expertise covers athlete performance, recovery and sleep patterns and mental training.


Jan de Jonge received his PhD in Occupational Health Psychology from Maastricht University. In addition to his work at TU/e, he is a Visiting Professor at the Loughborough University Business School (UK) and an Adjunct Professor at the School of Psychology, Asia Pacific Centre for Work Health and Safety, University of South Australia.

Jan is member of several professional networks in the Work and Organizational Psychology arena, such as APA, SIOP, EAWOP, WAOP, EA-OHP, ICOH, and ICOH-WOPS. He collaborates with scholars from Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, China, Belgium, USA, Canada, South-Korea, Denmark, and Sweden. He has published more than a hundred scientific articles, books, chapters, paper and poster presentations.

Jan is a member of the editorial board of the journal 'Gedrag & Organisatie' (‘Behavior and Organization), Consulting Editor for Review of Work and Organizational Psychology and Consulting Editor for the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. He is also Chair of the NIP Boards 'Occupational Health Psychology' and 'Work and Organizational Psychology'.

Ancillary Activities

  • Bestuurslid, Nederlandse Stichting voor Psychotechniek - Arnhem
  • Onderwijs- en onderzoekactiviteiten als Adjunct Professor, University of South Australia