Doctoral Candidate

Jeroen van Dam


Jeroen van Dam is a project manager in the Electromechanics and Power Electronics (EPE) group, and program manager E-Mobility in the Cyber-Physical Systems center Eindhoven (CPSe). In addition, he is a doctoral candidate in the EPE-group, where his research focuses on the modeling, simulation, and experimental analysis of linear, short-stroke actuators for soft-landing motion profiles, particularly accounting for eddy currents and nonlinear material phenomena. Key areas of expertise are analytical and numerical simulations for electromagnetic design. He has acquired valuable multi-physics experience with requirements ranging from vacuum and thermal to hydraulic environments.

To shape future mobility, research efforts focusing on electrified solutions for increased safety and sustainability are necessary. My aim is to contribute to these e-mobility developments.


Jeroen van Dam obtained the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Electromechanics and Power Electronics (EPE) research group in 2012 and 2014, respectively. He received a scholarship from NXP Semiconductors to fund his M.Sc. studies, and consequently spent a four-month internship at their ICN8 fab site, working on the thermal analysis of a rotary motor. For his ten-month graduation assignment, he worked on the design and comparison of gravity compensated ultra-high vacuum voice coil actuators for the specialized engineering company Janssen Precision Engineering in Beek, The Netherlands. Afterwards, Jeroen joined the EPE-group in 2015 to pursue his doctorate degree, contributing to the European ECSEL-JU projects 3Ccar and AutoDrive.

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