Associate Professor

Job Beckers


Job Beckers is Associate Professor within the Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research focuses on discovering how nanometer- to micrometer-scale particles interact with plasmas on the most fundamental level. These researched plasmas include electrically generated discharges and plasmas induced by highly energetic photons and electrons.  

Earlier in his career, Beckers developed a wearable plasma filter for medical purposes, to reduce the odor of ostomy bags.  

His specialties include general and applied physics, plasma physics, dusty plasmas, physics of the plasma sheath and pre-sheath, extreme UV (EUV) plasma sources for lithography and EUV-induced plasmas.

I believe in a strong combination of fundamental and applied research serving tomorrow’s societal needs.


Job Beckers obtained his MSc degree in Applied Physics from Eindhoven University of Technology in 2007. As part of his Master's degree studies, he did internships at CERN (Switzerland) and San Diego State University (USA) and at the companies Philips Lighting and Océ. He then did his PhD studies at TU/e on dust particle(s) (as) diagnostics in plasma, which he completed cum laude in 2011. In this time period, Beckers worked as a researcher at Sydney University, Australia. After his PhD, Beckers worked at XTREME Technologies (Germany) for a year before being appointed Assistant Professor at TU/e. In June 2017, Beckers was awarded the NWO VIDI grant.