Juliette Bekkering is a Full Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Leading the Chair of Architectural Design and Engineering at the faculty, she focuses on the relationship between architectural design and the development and delivery of tangible projects. Starting from the Vitruvian principles for good architecture Firmitas (Durability) Utilitas (Utility) and Venustas (Beauty), her work is geared towards developing forward-looking architectural scenarios to accommodate societal changes, across areas that range from new typologies to technology innovation and climate change. How does a building present itself? How can architecture anticipate new requirements and scenarios? How are changing requirements realized in finalized structures? These questions are tackled interaction between fundamental spatial research questions and architectural design.  

Key research areas include emerging technologies and sustainable concepts, shifting typologies  and exploring materiality as a concept within architectural design practices. Ongoing research includes: sustainability in architectural design, biophilic design, 3DPrinting and computational design, smart concepts for architecture in healthcare and public buildings. 

The academic environment should be an inspiring place to research and explore innovative architectural concepts and scenarios in a broad cultural context.

Architecture should act as a catalyst for a vibrant future-oriented built environment and public domain, where sustainable scenario's merge with spatial beauty.


Juliette Bekkering became a professor at TU/e in 2013. She is also an architect and she combines her work at TU/e with her own architecture office: Juliette Bekkering Architects, formerly Bekkering Adams Architects. Her work is characterized by iconic sculptural public buildings with strong spatial interiors that work as a catalyst for new public activities. Within these buildings, scenarios are developed to accommodate new uses aiming at future activities and public life. She is dedicated to strong architectural form, smart programmatical and spatial organization and technical innovation to shape the future of the built environment.

Juliette graduated as an architect from Delft University of Technology in 1989. In 1993, she completed a postgraduate study in Urban Design at the University of Barcelona, Spain (ETSAB). After working with a variety of architectural firms, including Rem Koolhaas’ OMA (Office For Metropolitan Architecture) and Neutelings Riedijk, she founded her own firm in 1997. From 2005 till 2019 she collaborated with Monica Adams: Bekkering Adams Architecten. Currently her office is named Juliette Bekkering Architecten. Previously, Juliette Bekkering was visiting professor of Architecture at the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Ancillary Activities

  • Raad van Toezicht, Nieuwe Instituut, Museum voor Architectuur, Design en Digitale Cultuur
  • Voeren van een architectenbureau Ontwerp en uitvoering, onderzoek en conceptontwikkeling in architectuur en stedenbouw, Juliette Bekkering Architecten
  • Associated partner Architect, Neutelings Riedijk Architects bv