Assistant Professor

Konstantinos Tsilionis

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences


Konstantinos Tsilionis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He is always on the lookout for innovative, engineering-driven ways to reconcile agile software development practices at the operational level with the strategic intents of organizations in the process of  ensuring holistic business and IT alignment evaluation practices. His research deals with the investigation of modeling-oriented ways of driving feature-oriented development processes that could bring value to the end-users of extended information systems as well as to the strategic layer of organizations. His research has had extendible applications in the health-care sector, among others, when in search of new ways of retrieving value from digital platforms and software applications.


Konstantinos Tsilionis holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Economics as well as a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Business Information Management from KU Leuven, Belgium. He has worked for more than three years as a physics instructor in Greece and for more than two years within the Belgian financial sector as a corporate actions market expert as well as a data analyst. He has completed his Ph.D. at the Research Center for Information Systems Engineering at KU Leuven, Belgium. The thematic of his doctoral dissertation is placed at the intersection of Agile Requirements Engineering, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Business and IT Alignment as well as IT Governance. In addition, he has served as a program committee member for a wide range of conferences, such as the International Conference on Business Informatics and the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, among others. He has been invited to be a reviewer for journals with high impact factor such as Information and Software Technology, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, and IT Professional among others.

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