Doctoral Candidate

Lars van de Kamp

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering


Lars van de Kamp is currently a Doctoral Candidate in the Dynamics and control (D&C) group at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Department of Mechanical Engineering. His current research interests include system identification, interpretable AI techniques, and control in the application area of mechanical ventilation. The aim of his research is to improve patient treatment and reduce the workload related to mechanical ventilation. His research is in collaboration with Demcon.

Developing a mechanical ventilator that improves patient comfort and allows the hospital staff to catch their breath.


Lars van de Kamp received a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 2019. He received the M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (cum laude) from the same university in 2021. His M.Sc. graduation work was on ‘Patient-ventilator asynchrony detection and classification within mechanical ventilation’ and contributes to improved patient treatment and reduced workload related to mechanical ventilation. His work was awarded the MSc thesis award (Mechanical Engineering).

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