Doctoral Candidate

Lennard Ceelen

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering


My research focuses on optimizing the performance of tokamak fusion reactors by controlling the conditions of the burning plasma. This complex control problem involves a plasma that is fueled by launching millimeter-sized pellets into the scorching fusion plasma.

The impulsive nature of the pellet injection and the continuous evolution of the fusion plasma require a hybrid control approach with plasma state observers and dynamic models. The presence of plasma instabilities further complicates the control problem.

To tackle these challenges, I am developing advanced control methods and models for the burning fusion plasma. My work has been made possible by the VIDI grant awarded to my supervisor, Matthijs van Berkel, who recognized the need for improved control methods for fusion reactors.

Through my research, I hope to contribute to the development of sustainable energy sources for our future.

By applying advanced control methods to fusion plasmas, my research aims to enhance their burning performance and accelerate progress towards sustainable energy sources.


Cum Laude MSc. Mechanical Engineering – Control Systems Technology.

Cum Laude MSc. Science & Technology of Nuclear Fusion

With Great appreciation BSc. Mechanical Engineering

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