Doctoral Candidate

Luuk Poort


Luuk Poort works as a PhD candidate in the Dynamics and Control section within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, where he works on the derivation and application of industrial-scale, modular model reduction techniques in a structural context. His research is in cooperation with ASML, and model developed reduction techniques will eventually be applied on ASML benchmark systems.

In a world where everything becomes more complex and detailed, my work aims to simplify in order to move forward.


Luuk Poort completed his Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology in 2017, which was awarded cum laude and with honours. After finishing his studies at the TU/e with a Master Mechanical Engineering, which was also awarded cum laude in 2020, he decided to remain within scientific community and now works as a Doctoral Candidate at the TU/e Mechanical Engineering department (Dynamics and Control section).

Current Educational Activities

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