Assistant Professor

Marta Costa Figueiredo

Department / Institute
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry


Marta Costa Figueiredo is an assistant professor in electrochemistry at the TU/e department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry (research group Inorganic Materials Chemistry). Her research is devoted to electrocatalysis and electro(catalytic)synthesis for sustainable processes and production of high value chemicals like fuels and organic molecules from “waste” substrates as for example, carbon dioxide and biomass. The main aim is to understand, develop and optimize electrochemical reactions under practical relevant conditions in order to give a step further on the usage of electrochemistry at industrial scale.

There is a clear world demand for the independence of the industry from fossil fuels and electrochemistry and electrocatalysis are assuming a fundamental role on the development of more sustainable and environmental friendly industrial processes.


Marta Costa Figueiredo studied chemistry at Porto University (Portugal) where she obtained her MSc degree in 2008. From 2009 to 2012, she moved to Spain for her PhD research in electrocatalysis for the reduction of nitrogen containing compounds under the supervision of Prof. Juan Feliu. After finishing her PhD in 2012, Marta was a postdoctoral researcher at different Universities in Europe: from 2012 until 2014 at Aalto University (Finland) in the group of Prof. Tanja Kallio in fuel cells, from 2014 to 2017 at Leiden University in the group of Prof. Marc Koper on electrocatalytic synthesis of organic carbonates and during 2017 at University of Copenhagen with Prof. Jan Rosmeisl and Dr. Maria Escudero Escribano. From 2017 until 2019, Marta was a Jr Scientist at Avantium (Amsterdam) working on CO2 electrochemical conversion. In April 2019 she was appointed as assistant professor at the Inorganic Materials Chemistry research group at TU/e.