Associate Professor

Martien Hulsen

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering


Martien Hulsen is Associate Professor in Computational Rheology. The focus of his research is the development and application of numerical methods for materials processing. The main application is the flow of polymer liquids at small to large scales. Examples include micro-rheology, rheology and processing of polymer blends and larger scale problems, such the manufacturing of tyres. Other topics having his special interest are particle dynamics in flows, stability of polymer flows, interface rheology and simulation of additive manufacturing (3D printing) using food and polymer materials.


The most interesting new computational techniques for the flow of polymer liquids are being developed at the border between disciplines. A nice example is flow at small length scales where rheology and thermal physics meet.


Martien Hulsen studied Mechanical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology and obtained his master’s degree in 1981. After a break at TNO in Delft he returned to university research in 1983 and received his PhD degree from the Delft University of Technology in 1988 with prof. P. Wesseling as his supervisor. In the same year, he became Assistent Professor at the Delft University of Technology. In 2001 he moved to the Eindhoven University of Technology and was appointed Associate Professor in the Polymer Technology group. Martien is on the editorial board of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluids Mechanics, one of the top journals in his field.


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