Mike Pols is a doctoral candidate in the Materials Simulation & Modelling (MSM) group in the department of Applied Physics at TU/e. Mike’s work focuses on the computational modelling of metal halide perovskites. By using dynamical simulations, he aims to elucidate atomic-scale mechanisms that play an important role in the stability of metal halide perovskites.

To understand the macroscopic behavior of materials, it is important to understand the processes that occur at the microscopic scale.


Mike Pols received his Master’s degrees in Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 2021. In his Master thesis, he focused on the computational modelling of metal halide perovskites using ReaxFF reactive force fields. In 2021, following his studies, Mike decided to continue his endeavors in the dynamical simulations of metal halide perovskites by joining the Materials Simulation & Modelling (MSM) group.

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