Assistant Professor

Nick Yakovets

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science
EAISI Foundational


Nikolay Yakovets is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Information Systems WSK&I at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His main area of study is databases and data intensive systems. He is particularly interested in foundations of databases, efficient data analytics and engineering of high-performance data processing systems. 

Nikolay’s current focus is on design and implementation of core database technologies, management of massive graph data, and efficient processing of queries on graphs. His educational activities focus on data modeling and databases, data management for data analytics, database technology, data engineering, seminar databases and capita selecta databases.  


Nikolay obtained his PhD in Computer Science from Lassonde School of Engineering at York University in 2017, where his was a member of the YorkU database group. His doctoral thesis work focused on the optimization and efficient processing of complex path queries in large graph databases. Before that, Nikolay received his masters and bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science from the same university. His MSc thesis ‘Migration of Enterprise Security to a Database: A Case Study’ was carried out in close collaboration with IBM Center for Advanced Studies (IBM Research) and focused on improving the security in the domain of Master Data Management. During his studies, Nikolay also worked on multiple projects funded by the government of Canada (NSERC) on topics of high-performance data processing systems (in collaboration with Empress Canada) and on natural language processing algorithms and pipelines.