Nicola Calabretta is an Assistant Professor in Electro-Optical Communication Systems and Senior Research Fellow at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His expertise is in telecommunications engineering, electrical engineering and optical engineering. Nicola’s research focuses on optical signal processing for highly spectral efficient multi-level modulation formats, high-speed electronics for processing of novel labeling techniques, FPGA implementation of scheduling algorithms for low latency control of large port optical switches, optical interconnects, photonic integrated wavelength selector with flexible bandwidth, photonic integrated optical switches and c optical nodes for metro networks. Applications of the group’s work on fast optical switches include performance enhancement for optical metro/access networks and data center networks.


Nicola Calabretta received his PhD from TU/e in 2004 for his work in all-optical signal processing and optical packet switching. Prior to this, he studied Telecommunications Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. Before joining the TU/e, he conducted research at DTU Fotonik, the Department of Photonics Engineering at the technical University of Denmark, where he worked on Radio-over-Fiber. He completed a postdoc at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA, Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant'Anna) in Pisa, Italy, focusing on wavelength division multiplexing, passive optical network and optical transmission systems employing advanced modulation formats.

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