Associate Professor

Nicola Zannone

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science


Nicola Zannone is an Associate Professor in the Security group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research interests include computer security, requirements engineering, data protection,formal methods, access control and auditing and privacy & ethics. Current projects are related to open standard Application Platform for cars and transportation vehicles, security in Intelligence Transport Systems, privacy compliance and enforcement, M2M Internet for dynamic M2M Information Business ecosystem, extensible authorization framework as a service and Data Leakage detection analysis and visualization.


Nicola Zannone received the Laurea degree in Computer Science in 2003 from the University of Verona. In 2007 he received a PhD in Computer Science from  the University of Trento, with a thesis on security requirements engineering. He visited Center for Secure Information Systems at George Mason University in 2005. He visited IBM Zurich Research Laboratory in 2006. In 2006-2007, he was young researcher at the ConsorzioInteruniversitarioNazionale per l'Informatica. In 2007-2008, he was a postdoc at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Toronto. In 2008, he joined the Security Group at TU/e as post-doc. Currently, he is a visiting researcher at the University of Southampton.  

He received the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award for the 2006-07 Academic Year. Nicola is an Editorial Board Member for Cybersecurity and Associate Editor of Computer and Network Security (specialty section of Frontiers in ICT). He has been program committee member for dozens of leading international conferences, workshops and symposia.

Ancillary Activities

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