Assistant Professor

Nikolay Kosinov

Department / Institute
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry


Nikolay Kosinov is an assistant professor in Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis at the TU/e department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry (research group Inorganic Materials Chemistry). His research is aimed at the synthesis, advanced characterization and applications of novel microporous catalytic materials. The areas of interest involve unconventional transformations of natural gas (methane) and CO2 to liquid fuels and chemicals. The main goals of Nikolay Kosinov's research are:

* To develop synthesis techniques to prepare well-defined microporous single-site catalysts;

* To elucidate the structure-activity relationships of these materials by operando spectroscopy tools;

* To understand the very mechanisms of their catalytic action through advanced kinetic studies.

Conceptually novel catalytic materials are necessary to enable the conceptually novel chemical transformations of the future


Nikolay Kosinov studied chemistry at Novosibirsk State University (Russian Federation) where he obtained his MSc degree in 2010. From 2008 until 2010, he was a research assistant at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis in Novosibirsk, where he developed catalytic systems for selective hydration of haloaromatic compounds. He then moved to Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, The Netherlands) to perform PhD research into the development and detailed characterization of novel zeolite membranes for gas and liquid separation. In 2014, he obtained his PhD under supervision of professors Emiel Hensen (TU/e) and Freek Kapteijn (TU Delft). From 2014 until 2017, Nikolay Kosinov performed postdoctoral research in the Inorganic Materials Chemistry research group at TU/e. In 2017 he continued with a postdoctoral research at TU Delft in the Inorganic Systems Engineering group. In April 2018 he was appointed as assistant professor at the Inorganic Materials Chemistry research group at TU/e.