Full Professor

Paul Koenraad


Paul Koenraad is a member of the Photonics and Semiconductor NanoPhysics group in the Department of Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and acts as the Dean of the TU/e Graduate School. His research covers the study of nanostructures and impurities in III-V semiconductors. The work in the last five years has stretched from true atomic scale microscopy of semiconductor nanostructured materials to optical analysis of individual semiconductor nanostructures.

The atomic scale microscopy activities have resulted in a much deeper understanding of various growth mechanisms to form semiconductor nanostructures, and the work is presently focusing on the realization of full 3D atomic scale visualization of nanostructures by Atom Probe Tomography. The study of single impurities has unraveled new properties of semiconductor impurities and is increasingly focused on the control and manipulation of a single impurity. In the field of optical microscopy, physics of a single quantum dot tunnel-coupled to an electron reservoir has been unraveled. Paul has co-authored more than 270 scientific papers and written several review papers and book chapters on his research activities.

I want to make TU/e even more attractive to students by responding better to their needs and interests.”


Paul obtained his PhD in Semiconductor Physics for TU/e in 1990. Previously, he obtained an MSc in Physics from the University of Utrecht. He has become an internationally leading expert in the application of scanning probe techniques for the study of nanostructures such as quantum dots, and has led the emerging field of single impurity analysis and manipulation in semiconductors by STM techniques.

Paul is the Dean of the TU/e Graduate School and a program director of the Active Nanophotonics Devices program (€9m, part of the national nanotechnology trust NanoNextNL). In 2005 he was awarded a Vici subsidy from the research funding organization NWO for his research. Apart from his role as professor of semiconductor materials, Koenraad led the PSN group for ten years. Since 2013 he has also been dean of the Honors Academy of TU/e. In 2016 he become vice-dean of the Applied Physics department and in 2017 he became dean of the TU/e Graduate School

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