Assistant Professor

Payam Poorsolhjouy

Department / Institute
Built Environment


Payam Poorsolhjouy is an Assistant Professor in the Applied Mechanics group of the Department of the Built Environment at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His main research interest and expertise lies in the broad areas of material modeling and design by studying the formation, evolution, and consolidation of microstructure, with specific interest in granular and particulate materials. Particular areas of application include powder compaction in tablet manufacturing followed by performance prediction of tablets and 3D conrete printing with the aim of designing new materials and structures.

Poorsolhjouy is an experienced researcher with applications in broad areas such as built environment and the pharmaceutical industry. He is mostly interested in granular materials (cohesive materials like concrete, rocks or pharmaceutical tablets and cohesionless materials like soils) as well as complex materials such as fiber-reinforced composites.

His research goals include: modeling the mechanical and multiphysics behavior of complex engineering material and structural systems; improving the design of new multifunctional materials with tailored properties by designing their microstructure; and enhancing the design and topology of structural systems by using these new materials within novel manufacturing frameworks. To reach these objectives, Poorsolhjouy investigates the micro-scale phenomena governing the interactions of materials’ constituents and implements them into multiscale models of material behavior in a computationally efficient manner. The insight derived from this analysis will be used to design and optimize new multifunctional materials and structures.


Payam Poorsolhjouy has a BSc in Civil Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology (2007) and an MSc in Structural Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Iran (2010). He  then obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering in 2016, with special honors, at University of Kansas (USA), where he was selected by the faculty as the outstanding graduate across School of Engineering. Poorsolhjouy then took a position as Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Purdue University (USA), where he worked on multiscale modeling and performance prediction of granular and particulate materials. In 2018, he started a position as University Assistant in Graz University of Technology, where he  continued his research and was also able to design his own courses. In 2020, Poorsolhjouy was appointed Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).