Assistant Professor

Pieter Cuijpers


Pieter Cuijpers is an Assistant Professor in the System Architecture and Networking Research group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). After developing a process algebra for hybrid systems (HyPA), his current research interests include the application of quantitative formal methods to cyber physical systems, with a focus on performance analysis and scheduling of distributed embedded systems. Important techniques that play a role in this are: max-plus algebra and dataflow modeling, event-based modeling and simulation and axiomatic reasoning about execution intervals.

Currently, Pieter is supervising three PhD students, in the rCPS project on data-intensive sensing (Jingyue Cao), the Awesome project on evolution of software components (Nan Yang), and the RWS project on a platform for sharing mobility data (Jeroen Redegeld). New projects that are coming up are mainly focused on the performance analysis of Ethernet TSN, an extension of the Ethernet standard aimed at the needs of the Automotive domain and Industry 4.0


Pieter received his MSc in Electrical Engineering and his PhD in Computer Science from TU/e in 2000 and 2004 respectively. He teaches the masters course on Quantitative Evaluation of Embedded Systems (2IMN25) in the Embedded Systems curriculum. Furthermore, he is coordinator of the DBL Embedded Systems (2IO70) and the Practical Computer Systems (2IC30) in the Computer Science Bachelor. He sometimes also serves as an instructor in Logic and Set Theory and as a mentor, and supervises masters and PdEng students.

In his lectures, Pieter likes to experiment with upcoming media for teaching, such as web lectures. Furthermore, he likes to share his experience in this area, and provides advice and workshops on the topic of setting up web lectures and MOOCS. Since February 2018, these activities are part of his own company: Quercus Weblecturing.

Ancillary Activities

  • Secondment as associate professor for one day a week, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen