Remco Tuinier heads the Physical Chemistry group which is active in the field of polymeric and/or colloidal liquids and (modified) advanced solid surfaces and liquid-liquid interfaces. At the intersection of theoretical and experimental physical chemistry and the fields of polymeric and  colloid science. The group aims at advancing the state of the art of physical chemistry and, in particular, soft matter science. Also, the physical chemistry group develops a scientific basis for sustainable, functional and responsive materials that are urgently needed to solve societal challenges related to sustainability, the energy transition and health. Our research program establishes a strong link between experimental and theoretical aspects as well as computer simulations to gain a deeper understanding of the physical and chemical phenomena involved and the building of competences to design and manufacture advanced functional materials. As the link between teaching and research is essential, we offer high-level physical and materials chemistry education at TU/e.

The combination of educating students with doing research inspires me. I want to reveal relations between the nanoworld and physical properties in liquids, such as phase stability and complex structures.


Remco Tuinier studied food science at Wageningen University where he obtained his PhD in 1999 for research on exocellular polysaccharides and protein-polysaccharide mixtures, performed in cooperation with the NIZO food research institute. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Utrecht University, and in 2001 became a staff member at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. Between 2008 and 2015 he worked at DSM ChemTech Center in Geleen (the Netherlands). Between 2010 and 2020 he combined this with a part-time position at Utrecht University at the Van 't Hoff laboratory for Physical and Colloid Chemistry where he held the part-time chair 'Colloid-Polymer Mixtures'. With Henk N.W. Lekkerkerker he wrote the book 'Colloid and the Depletion Interaction' (Springer), which appeared in 2011. Since 2015 he is full professor of Physical Chemistry at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry.


Ancillary Activities

  • Council member, International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists
  • Chairman of the board of the Overbeek foundation., Overbeek foundation
  • Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, The Journal of Chemical Physics