Doctoral Candidate

Renan Liupekevicius Carnielli


Renan Liupekevicius Carnielli is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Mechanics of Materials Group in the Mechanical Engineering Department under the supervision of Dr. Varvara Kouznetsova, Professor Marc Geers and Dr. Hans Van Dommelen. His research is focused on the theoretical and computational design of acoustic metamaterials using multi-scale techniques.


Renan Liupekevicius Carnielli received a First Class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics from the University of Campinas, Brazil. In 2019, he received a Master's degree in Acoustical and Vibration Engineering from the National Engineering School of Le Mans, France. During his Master's, he followed a double degree path with the University of Le Mans, France, completing a Master's in Acoustics. In 2018, He did his research internship at Dassault Systèmes on the acceleration of aeroacoustic simulations using model order reduction. In the same year, he was a visiting student at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom, for a research project on fundamental aeroacoustics.

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