Full Professor
Rick de Lange
Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering
Since 2006 associate professor (1992-2006: assistant professor) in the research-group of ''''''''''''''''Energy Technology''''''''''''''''. Main topics of research are boundary layer transition, heat transfer and cooling in gasturbines and the thermodynamics and transient behavior of turbine/compressor systems. From 1998 to 2006 also involved in the development of tar-removal for small-scale biomass gasifiers.
1988-1992: PhD at the department of Mechanical Engineering on the "Modeling of premixed laminar flames"
1981-1988: Physics at the TU/e, MSc-thesis on the study of droplet evaporation.
1975-1981: VWO at the Petrus Hondius Lyceum, Terneuzen.
Recent Publications
How do students regulate their learning in challenge-based learning?
(2021) -
Investigation of stencil/ screen printing of silver (Ag) electrodes for ionic polymer metal composites (IPMCs)
(2019) -
Improving the part-load performance of turbines in rankine cycle based automotive waste heat recovery systems
(2018) -
Temperature control of evaporators in automotive waste heat recovery systems
Energy Procedia (2017) -
A low pressure recirculated sweep stream for energy efficient membrane facilitated humidity harvesting
Separation and Purification Technology (2015)
Current Educational Activities
Ancillary Activities
No ancillary activities