University Lecturer

Steven Wilkins

Department / Institute
Electrical Engineering


Dr. Steven Wilkins is Assistant Professor in the Electromechanics and Power Electronics group of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He also currently holds the position of Senior Research Scientist at TNO, the Dutch Organization of Applied Research, where he works on powertrains. Wilkins has a background in hybrid and electric vehicle systems and powertrain modeling and simulation, with a focus on battery management systems. 

Dr.Wilkins has been involved in a wide range of research projects funded by the UK and the EU. He is a member of the Powertrains department within TNO, an active member of EARPA within the HECS and the M&S Task Forces, EGVIA, ABattReLife, FABRIC and others, and involved in the TRANSFORMERS, CONVENIENT, EMC2, AMBER-ULV and 3CCar European projects, and others. 

Dr. Wilkins is an experienced senior research scientist with a demonstrated history in industry. He is particularly skilled in research and development (R&D), mathematical modeling, MATLAB, homologation, electric drive systems, analysis and materials science.


Dr. Wilkins holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College London, where he also worked as a postdoc until 2007. In that timeframe, he also held positions as CTO and consultant for many companies. In 2008, Wilkins became CTO and Director at Duvas Technologies Ltd, until he moved to the Netherlands in 2012. He still worked as visiting researcher for Imperial College London until 2013.

In the Netherlands, Dr. Wilkins took a position as Senior Research Scientist at the Powertrains department of TNO. In 2013, he joined Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) as Assistant Professor. 

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