University Researcher

Sylwester Latkowski

Department / Institute
Electrical Engineering


Sylwester's research interests and activities are concerned with integrated photonics. 

There is only one nature - the division into science and engineering is a human imposition, not a natural one. Indeed, the division is a human failure; it reflects our limited capacity to comprehend the whole - Sir William Cecil Dampier


Sylwester Latkowski obtained M.Sc. and Eng. degrees in optoelectronics and technical physics from West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland. His research in the Centre for High Speed Devices and Systems at Dublin City University, Ireland concerned with semicoductor mode-locked lasers, millimeter and terahertz generation and all-optical data treatment have led to the award of a Ph.D. degree. He followed up his interests in photonics by joining Photonic Integration group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands. Currently he shares his position at TU/e with a role of scientific director at Photonic Integration Technology Center.

Ancillary Activities

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