Associate Professor

Tanir Ozcelebi

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science
EAISI Foundational
EAISI High Tech Systems


Tanir Ozcelebi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His main research interests are life-cycle management for resource-constrained embedded devices, architecture development for smart spaces and Internet of Things, as well as resource and QoS management and data analytics for networked services. In more detail, his research interests cover the following areas:  

    Defining and enhancing life-cycles of networks of resource-constrained embedded devices

    Architectures for resource management, QoS management and data analytics 

    Smart spaces, Internet of Things (smart lighting in as application),

    Data analytics in Internet of Things and smart spaces context.

Tanir is currently involved in the following projects:

    Secure Connected Trustable Things (SCOTT)

    Mathematical Optimizations for Human Centric Lighting (Optilight)

In the Internet of Things era, where tiny networked embedded devices support tasks of humans by organizing themselves into a smart space that is Internet-enabled, ubiquitous smart interaction as was originally envisioned by Mark Weiser is becoming a reality.”


Tanir Ozcelebi  received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from  Koc  University,  Istanbul in 2006. In 2006, he joined the System Architecture and Networking Research (SAN) group at TU/e as a postdoctoral researcher. Since 2013, Tanir has been research program manager for the  Bright Environments  research program of  TU/e Intelligent Lighting Institute. At TU/e he is also a core team member of the Internet of Things research program of the Data Science Center Eindhoven (DSC/e), Vice Chairman of the Educational Committee Bachelor Computer Science and member of the TU/e wide Joint Program Committee. 

He is also guest editor for the Energies Journal and co-organizer for the Smart Lighting Environments: Sensing and Control (SLESC) special session of the IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control and of the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures. Tanir has also been a TPC member of a wide range of events, including the IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet and the International Workshop on Self-managing Solutions for Smart Environments.