Full Professor

Tilde Bekker

Department / Institute
Industrial Design


Tilde Bekker is Professor of Digital Technologies for Playfulness and Motivation. Bekker is interested in designing playful interactions between multiple people and multiple objects in contexts of play, health and learning. Bekker's research interests include designing tools for teachers and students, intelligent playful solutions for children and older adults, developing and evaluating design techniques for involving users in (early) design and providing support for design practitioners for selecting and tailoring design techniques to specific design projects.

She teaches and does research in the area of interaction design for children and elderly; more specifically, on user centered design methods, designing for physical and social activities and designing for playful learning. She has a background in industrial and interaction design, with a focus on conducting theory-informed design research.

Bekker developed the Developmentally Situated Design tool (with Professor Alissa Antle, SFU, Canada) now used by many international universities to teach Interaction Design and Children and which won a best-practice award in 2014. She is co-editing a special issue on 'Designing for Play as Cultural Participation in Childhood' for Conjunctions - Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation.

We assume that people can be seduced to certain activities if the design incorporates playful features, such as appealing to curiosity and providing challenges.”


Tilde Bekker obtained her MSc and later her PhD in Industrial Design at Delft University of Technology. She defended her dissertation about user interface design practice in 1995. After a postdoc at the University of London, UK, Bekker settled at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) - first as Assistant Professor, then as manager of the educational domain of Playful Interactions and currently as Full Professor. In December of 2017, she was awarded a Honorary Professorship at the Lab for Design and Play of Designskolen Kolding, Denmark, for her collaboration on education and research there.

Bekker has been a long-term editorial board member for the International Journal of Child Computer Interaction. She is very active in organizing international conferences and workshops on computer-human interaction.

Ancillary Activities

  • Ik geef onderwijs en doe onderzoek gekoppeld aan de groep Design for Play bij DSK Ik begeleid een PhD student, Honorary professorhip Design School Kolding (DSK), Denemarken