Assistant Professor

Tom Bradley

Department / Institute
Electrical Engineering
Applied Physics and Science Education


Thomas Bradley is a senior researcher in the High Capacity Optical Transmission Lab of the Electro-Optical Communications Group at the Institute for Photonics Integration, TU/e. His current research lies in two key areas of fibre optic sensing and quantum communications. The development of novel optical fibres and fibre post processing techniques can be exploited to support novel optical fibre sensors and advances in quantum communications. He has authored and co-authored several high impact publications in Nature Photonics, Optics Express and has several prestigious post deadline papers at leading optical communications conferences.

Research Interests

Quantum Communications & Security – CV & DV QKD and Quantum Secure Authentication

Novel Optical Fibres – Few Mode, Multicore Fibres, Hollow Core Fibres

Quantum Sensing with Atomic Vapours

Optical Fibre Processing – Tapering, Splicing, Device Development (e.g. Photonics Lanterns)

Quantum Light Sources - Squeezed States, Single Photon Sources

Optical Fibre Fabrication and Theory

Novel optical fibres such as Few Mode Fibre, Multi-core Fibre and Hollow Core Fibres to name a few, in combination with fibre post processing techniques (e.g. fibre tapering) offer exciting new possibilities for classical and quantum sensing of the physical environment.


Dr Thomas Bradley received his MPhys degree in 2009 and PhD degree in 2014 from the University of Bath, UK. His PhD and earlier career research has focused on the fabrication, characterisation and loading of gas species in both anti-resonant and photonic bandgap hollow core fibres.  In September 2021 he started working at Eindhoven University of Technology as a Senior Researcher where his focuses are on using novel optical fibres for quantum communications and security. Prior to this he worked at  Optoelectronics research centre (ORC) 2014-2021 as a research fellow and senior research fellow in the micro-structured optical fibre groups. His current research interests include the quantum communications, quantum sensing and novel optical fibres fabrication.  In 2014 he was awarded the best early career presentation prize at the EPSRC manufacturing the future conference.



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