University Lecturer

Tom Veeger


Tom Veeger is working on projects in the field of Architecture, Art and Light (atelier Veeger) and combines it with teaching at the Faculty of the Built Environment (chair of Architectural Design and Engineering) at the TU/e.

He worked in the past 20 years in different large architectural studios as an all-round senior architect and at the moment in his own studio. He has been designing projects like hospitals, schools, office buildings, large scale housing projects and urban plans. In this period he won different prices with his architectural projects.

Besides his architectural work he alwayshas been working on projects outside of the architectural boundaries in the field of art, stage and lighting design. He carried out projects in art spaces, museums, festivals, theatres and galleries in the Netherlands and abroad.


Architectural Design
Interior Design
Lighting Design
Art installations

Cross-over projects

Designing Collective commissioned low cost housing projects (CPO project)

 Advisor in the field of art working for governmental organizations
Artistic director/curator of different art projects and exhibitions
Workshops art/architecture/light

Ancillary Activities

  • Architectuur, lichtontwerp en beeldende kunst projecten. Adviseurschap bij welstand en gemeenten., Atelier Tom Veeger